My Childhood Monster

August 24, 2006

I have posted previously regarding monsters in my son’s room (Link 1 and Link 2). On the weekend (yes I have been intending on post this all week), I was putting my son to bed. He was laying on the floor looking under his dresser. He said two things as his looking under the dresser and pointed “monster” and “hand”. Now this may not at first appear important but it had a big impact on me.

You see when I was young, like most kids, I had “monsters” in my room. My monsters took the form of hands that lived under my bed. The hands would try to grab me when if I ever got out of bed. Now her I was all these years later, laying on the the floor with my son, looking under his dresser and he was telling me he saw a hand.

This of course got me wondering. Was the monster he was seeing the same ones that tormented me as a child? Was this more proof to support my theory that the bogyman and other childhood monsters have a basis in fact?

We should be listening closer to what our children say to us when they are scared. Have an open mind and believe when they tell you about that monster in the corner. We have and we have armed my son with the weapons he need to send the monsters away.

Love and Light,

What You Believe is Right

August 18, 2006

What ever it is that you believe it is the right thing for you. That doesn’t mean that it is universally right or the truth, but it is what you need to believe. Off the top of my head I can think of four different groups of belief systems: Organized Religions, Own Religion, No Religion or Spiritual Explorer.

Organized Religions are what you would expect. These are all the well know and not so well know religious groups. The bases for this group is that the group believes basically the same thing. Their might be some minor deviations and some in the group that question the faith, but over all they believe in basically the same thing and there is normally some doctrine. They believe their faith is fact and would be difficult to get them to believe something else.

Own Religions are when the person develops their own belief system. Usually buy taking bits and pieces from various religions or by using an organized religion as a base. Then may use some doctrine but also may not. They believe their faith is fact and would be difficult to get them to believe something else.

No Religion are when the person does not believe in anything specific. Generally these are people who fell no drive to seek out a faith or belief system. They are happy living out their lives without thinking about or believing in anything.

Spiritual Explorer are the people who are searching for the answers. This is the group that I put myself into. These people actively search for the truth and often discuss belief systems. They are open to all faiths but follow none. It is likely they have created a form of their own faith but it is not static and grows and changes over time as they learn and grow.

Regardless of which one of these you are, it is the right thing. We are all on our own paths and what is right for one is not right for another. I welcome all here and as a Spiritual Explorer I will listen to what you have to say and grow my own beliefs. I hope that this site can help other Spiritual Explorer in their search for the truth.

Love and Light,

What is Good?

August 9, 2006

In my last post I was questioning the balance of universe and I happy that I touched a cord in a couple of readers. To continue this I have the question what is Good and what is Evil. In may religions it is rather simple; there are rules written down that tell you what you are suppose to do and what you are not allowed to do.

I think however that reality does not match the simple black and white, words in print answer. So I ask you what do you think determine what is good and what is bad?

One could argue that killing is not bad. After all by killing someone are you not releasing their soul either to their god or to what ever other world you might believe in? Most people believe that we are better off in the after life than we are here so isn’t killing someone just like buying them a nice vacation?

On the other side one could argue that killing is bad. That you are not only physically harming the person but also potential harming their soul and most would agree you are harming your own. You are robbing them of all the things they could have experienced had they lived.

Does the universe understand good and evil? Are we better off in the after life for having been “good”. I do believe we are. I do believe that our actions impact us on a spiritual level, but if this is the case how is good and bad determined? There has to be more than what’s written in a book. But, I guess in the end it come down to each persons beliefs and faith.

The universal truth is out there, but are we ready to see it?

Love and Light,