Friday the 13th

October 13, 2006

Today is Friday the 13th, a day some people believe has negative or evil connections to. It amazes me the number of people that have superstitions, even if they are not otherwise religious or spiritual.

The fact is that a thing, a time, a date and event cannot make you have bad luck. What causes it is the belief that will. There is truth in “if you believe something you’ll find a way of making it happen.”

As I’ve talked about in the past our thought have much more power than we might think. Our thoughts connected us with events, other and out past lives. So with we believe something bad is going to happen we lower of spiritual defenses and leave us open to our past lives or attacks from sub-astrals or negative thoughts.

So do not let yourself be a victim of your own making.

Love and Light,

It’s Never OK to Kill

July 25, 2006

With recent event in the middle east this topic has come to my mind.  Israel is attacking and killing and trying to justify this by saying that it is for their own defence and to get their soldiers back.  It is unfortunately that in our world today that people still feel the need for violence and that there are people who only understand violence.  Peace is not something we have seen on the world as a whole since fighting was invented.

I honest believe that there is never a situation that it is OK to attack, hurt or kill someone.  This includes not only physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  When you realise the truth that any violent situation you find yourself in, you have drawn to yourself you will begin to see that the problem is not the other person, but in side yourself.  If you deal with and heal the past life that has drawn the violence to you then the situation will defuse or will not effect you spiritually.  Remember that death is not to be fear, it is a transition and the one that bring the possibility for true spiritual ascension.

I would like to close with one final comment.  I am not Jewish but does not their bible teach that Moses came down off the mountain carrying two stones with the 10 commandments from God.  Was not one of those commandments “thou shall not kill.”  There were not exceptions added to the commandment, it was just that simple “thou shall not kill.”

Love and Light, Terry

An Energy Drain

April 3, 2006

I'm sure at some point in all our lives we meet a person that is a drain of our energy.  Most of the time when we deal with this person we find ourselves with negative thoughts and low energy.  As time goes on we can sometimes have these same effects with just the thought of having to deal with them.

In cases like this what do you do?  Who's to blame?  I'm sure anyone who's read my previous post can guess on what my answers are going to be.

First, who's to blame?  The fact is that as soon as you start to assigning blame, like they make me feel this way or anything along that line you are enforcing the situation and getting further from resolving it.

I'm currently in a situation like this and for a while I was letting it go.  Letting the situation drag me and my energy down.  It wasn't until my wife pointed out that I was being negative about the person that I realised what I was doing.  No matter how much progress we seem to make there are always those situations we get into that it takes someone else to point out that we are in a bad place.

In my case the person involved is a low energy obsessed person.  I say that not to blame or to less my responsibilities it is just a statement of fact.  The person also draws sub-astrals to them.  These are their issue and not mine to solve and find fault in.

I job is to ensure that I don't let my thoughts and energy drop and allow the sub-astrals to attack me.  Over the past little while I have not been doing this and now I am struggling to resolve my issues.  I now recognize that I'm not doing the "right" thing.  I also recognize that I have past karma to work out.  I am working on both of these right now but making slow progress.

To make things hard, the person has requested a favour from me.  My first response would be to deny the request, because of the situation.  However, I now recognize the situation that I'm in and I question if the answer is truly my answer, the right answer, or the response of the low energy I'm now in and the past karma.  I'm doing my best to over come the situation at hand and approach the new request objectively.

We must always be careful of our reactions to people.  Is it a negative response?  Is the response base on past karma?  Only by dealing with our karma and looking past our negative energies can we find the right answer.

Love and Light,