Hidden in the Shadows

Have you ever put your child down for the night and had them scream? Have you ever had them scream before you even go to their room? By this I don’t mean the normal “I don’t want to go to bed” screams. I mean the child completely loses it, look of terror in their eyes kind of scream. Do you think that it is just the child trying to keep you around or is there something more?

I know with my son I can clearly hear the difference and in most cases where this happens he ends up staring at the same spot in his room. It has long been my belief that we come into the world spiritual aware and that over time we lose it and are taught by parent and society that our spiritual abilities are not real.

A couple of night ago we came back from my brother-in-laws place and my wife took our son into the house to put him to bed. He started to scream as she started to go up the stairs. She thought it odd but continued up stairs to put him to bed. In his bed room she sat with him in a chair, rocked and sang to him. Regardless of what she did he continued to scream.

I went up stairs, and being a way from the situation I recognized the scream. I find it common that, with my wife and I, the one not in the room with him has the better chance on noticing the differences in the screams. So I cleared my mind and went up stairs to face what I knew my son saw in his room and we terrifying him.

When I reach the hall out side his room I was hit with the powerful energy from his room and I knew that it was not a good energy. This had happened before but this was by far the worse I had felt from his room. I focused my mind on the light and entered the room with my mind. I looked around the room and saw the creature.

With that I started my attempt to clear the energy from his room. I ensured I kept my defences up and worked with my son and the spirits of light to clear his room. It took my quite a while but the instant I felt the main energy lift my son calmed down for a moment. It only lasted a moment, but I was already scanning his room and asking for defences on the room. There were still some negative energies in the room, but they were weak in comparison to the one that was just forced from the room. After a few more moment we were able to clear the energy from his room and he quickly settled.

It got me thinking. Our childhood is filled with stories of monsters in our closets and bogymen. What if I were to say that these are not just stories? That these things exist, you can’t see them but your children can. It would explain why so many children are afraid of the dark. We spend so much energy trying to protect our children. I have failed to meet a parent who would not give their lives to do so. What if the most terrifying thing to our children is something that more of us are not able to defend against, something that over all our years we have learned to disbelieve? Open up your mind to the possibilities and your heart to the light. Watch for the shadows that lurk in the corners.

Just as an additional note, it is not always negative energies that are in my son’s room. I have felt powerful energies of good or light there and when these energies are present; there are not screams, there is no crying.


6 Responses to Hidden in the Shadows

  1. I read this post yesterday and it made me remember an experience I had with my own son. This was about 16 years ago.

    He’d be in his room and would just start screaming – the same scream of terror you describe. I knew he was really scared, and he kept saying something was after him but there wasn’t anything there. Or so I thought.

    Last night, my son came for a visit and I talked to him about it. He was about five when this happened to him, but he remembers it clearly. He described the room, the incident, the fear. I asked him what he saw and he told me is was spiders, snakes and “something else” that he couldn’t name. He said he saw these things a lot, but it was only when the came the wall towards him that he screamed.

    As his mother, I feel terrible, because I knew he wasn’t being naughty or silly, to him it was real but I left him in that room.

    He went on to tell me that a woman ghost used to stand at the door and watch over him too. That made it easier. He said the first time he saw her he thought it was me, because she had my build and long hair. Then one day, I walked right through her and into the room.

    I never knew this until last night.

    Your post had a powerful effect on me.

  2. Terry says:


    I’m glad to hear that my post reached at least one person. I believe that as a society we have pushed our spirituality aside. I hope you don’t blame yourself for what happened; I think that this is the case for most parents. As adults we have be taught that these things are not real, so when I children see them we tell them they are real. Enough of this and you start to believe it and you loose your ability to see them.

    The best we can do is to be aware of it now and go forward in life with our eyes open.


  3. This is true, Terry.

    With luck, my son will remember our conversation last week and, when he has kids of his own, will do more to protect them.

  4. Moriana says:

    I was reading your “old” posts and I found this one. It scares me. I already feel so afraid of the presences that I feel around me… but to see them like that… I only saw something once and I obviously question if it was really a ghost or just my mind playing tricks on me. I saw a girl dressed with traditional cloths from Peru. Only for a few seconds! I do frequently feel “pet” in the head (like right now!!!), but it has become a common thing! My question is what are these ghosts? Why are they here? And being such a “lazy walker” how do I get to feel so many things? Wouldn’t it become even “worse” if I would have a proper diet and enough spiritual practices?
    I easily throw my fears away with Kirtan. I sing until I completely in peace, but I still don’t understand any of this, and if I’m not suppose to understand, than why do these experiences are so frequent in my daily life?
    I’ve always have been EXTREMELY sensitive. I get to feel what others are feeling. With my babies it goes so deep that I get to feel their needs like if they were my one, when they are hungry, afraid, cold or thirsty I do feel it.
    It’s hard because avoiding bad feelings it’s not a choice. It’s hard to be near some one that is suffering fiscally, emotionally or spiritually. Can you imagine what I feel when I get in some kind of angry crowd? I get to vomit and I even past out a few times. Get extremely cold and feel a complete lack of energy. I don’t get to feel everything and I do not control this!… And I don’t suffer from any kind of phobia, has have been suggested to me in those occasions.
    With these presences I either feel afraid or just a bit disturbed. I never had intuitional feelings with them. I don’t have the smallest clue of what they are here for. What do you think ? I know we reincarnate several times, shouldn’t they be living else were? If my intuition is so strong with the living why doesn’t it work with the “dead”?
    I posing questions has they come into my mind. I don’t aspect you to have all the answers!!!
    I would like to know what are your beliefs, how did you started your spiritual journey?
    E mail me if you want, I will return to look for new posts.

  5. Terry says:


    First I’m like to say that what my son was seeing were not ghosts; they are negative energy creatures called sub-astrals.

    As for feeling afraid of creatures, if you are spiritually strong and protected then you have nothing to worry about. Generally these creatures will leave when you tell them to. When I’m protecting myself I basically clear my mind and get myself in to a spiritual frame of mind. I then surround myself in white light. The white light is the universal good energy.

    Ghosts are people that have not moved on. You are right that they shouldn’t be here. In general there people do not know they are dead or a trying to hold on to life. The best thing to do with ghosts is to let them know they are dead and that if they move on they can be helped. There are spiritual healers in the higher dimensions to help them.

    As for picking up on other people’s thoughts I don’t know if I can give a lot of help on this. My suggestion would be to recognize that these are not your thought and do not accept them into you. I would recommend protecting yourself like I described above.

    Love and Light,

  6. Siobhan says:

    Hi I’m not sure how or where to start regarding this. My mother passed away a few years ago and we had her cremated as it was one her wishes, my younger sister has her ashes currently. She has a little boy of three who seems to have seen her a while back because he use to call her by the name Nana which did not scare him but now recently he has been screaming awake and telling his mom that he sees a snake or that the snake is sitting on his bed.Is it possible for a good entity to become bad?

    He seems quite terrified of this. The other thing is on our side of the family we have seemed to have picked up this perception to seeing or feel things that most people can not see.This gift as some people call it has been passed down from generation to generation.

    How am I able to figure out what my nephew sees as I seem only seem to see a shadow of sorts.My younger sister has felt this presence in the house and her father in-law says that he saw a shadow recently too.

    Is there also away to not get to scared of seeing these things as I do which does make others around you a bit worried about you.

    My sister is rather worried as she does not want her son to get hurt by this shadow so she would like to know how to get it to move on.

    Is it also possible for this sort of things to pop up during emotional time to.

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