Spirit Guides

March 27, 2006

I figured it was time to touch base on the topic that my blog title would imply this site is about, Spirit Guides.

Spirit Guides do exist and people do have them, but not everyone has one. The purpose of a “good” spirit guide is not to “protect” form bad things in your life. Some people would have you believe that these entities are here only to save us from bad things that would hurt or other wise kill us. But, this is not the case. They may at some point step in and do something that appear to be this way but they would never step in the way of a lesson you need to learn or a Karma you needed to clear. They cannot protect you from your own thoughts and energies they bring to you. Spirit Guides are here to help you to find your truth.

It is likely that you will not have the same spirit guide for you entire life, or even have one for parts of your life. As I said they are here to help us learn and thus once we have learned what they are there to help us with, they will move on. There will also be lessons that we must learn on our own, or is to our benefit to learn on our on. As we grow spiritually our ability to communicate with spirit guides and other higher beings increase, but they help they will provide decrease. It may seem odd that as we are able to better communicate with these higher beings that they do less for us. They do this because we are better able to do things for ourselves and the only way to continue to grow is for them to do less for us.

So what is a spirit guide? Well in simplest for they are an entity here to guide use. As you might have noticed above I referred to “good” spirit guides, this is because there are several different types of spirit guides.

Good Spirit Guides: are the higher selves of other people, either dead or living. As crazy as it sounds your spirit guide could be the higher self of someone living, but this is rare. These higher selves have become what some would consider Angels.

Neutral Spirit Guides: despite my choice in terms neutral spirit guides are not harmless. These spirit guides are discarnates or ghosts who have chosen not to move on; in some cases because they wish to stay behind and “help” someone. In most of these cases they do little to help themselves or the person they are trying to help. These people have not learn enough to be helpful as a spirit guide and they will end up interfering more in the persons development than they will help it progress. These types of spirit guides should be asked to leave and directed to move on to where they can get the help they need.

Malicious Spirit Guides: these usually take the form of sub astrals but can take the form of discarnates. These entities say that they are trying to help but in reality are purposely hindering the persons spiritual progress and in most cases are pulling it down and destroying their spirituality. These types of spirit guides must be instructed to leave and return to where they cam from. Their mere presence is an attack on your soul and spirituality.

The point of this sight is to be none of the above. I am not here to teach or to claim that what I write is the only truth. My purpose is to publish my beliefs and in a hope that it might help others and guide them to their spiritual truth.

Love and Light,

Selling a Soul

March 15, 2006

On one of the blogs I visit on a regular basis she post regarding people who were selling their souls. Her post really got me thinking about my belief on the soul and possibilities and effects of selling it.

My first thought, which I put in a comment on his site, was regarding ownership on a soul. In putting our souls up for sale we are assuming that we have ownership over it and the right to sell it. I believe that this is a false assumption. We do not own our souls; if anything it is the soul that owns us. In my comment I equate selling your soul and a car selling its owner as being the same. Our bodies are really nothing more than a vehicle for our soul.

This being said it has not stopped people from selling and buying souls. This got me thinking about what the impact of selling your soul would be, is there one?

I believe that in selling your soul there is no impact on the soul. A physical person is not capable of owning a soul and other souls and more “advanced” beings would have no interest in it. There for you soul is safe from being sold. It’s just like the con artists who use to try selling people the Brooklyn Bridge. The person who does the buying does not end up owning the bridge, because the person who “sold” it did not have the rights to sell it.

This being said I do not believe that selling your soul is harmless and should be done. The selling of your soul is a large act against your soul and spirituality. Through this you would incur negative karma. You would risk putting a block in place between you and your higher self for many life times, until you cleared the karma.

However, I doubt that anyone selling there soul is a spiritual person. Anyone who is on the path to finding their truth will likely know better than to try and sell their soul.

Love and Light,

The Psychic Body

March 8, 2006

In yesterdays post I briefly mentioned the psychic body. The psychic body is one the three spiritual elements of who we are. The soul or the higher self is at the top and the psychic body is the first structure above our physical bodies.

Our psychic bodies act as the direct supporting structure of our body. It is created when we are conceived that grows and develops into childhood. During this time the past lives and karma that are to be dealt with in this life are “downloaded” from our mental self. This is one of the reasons why childhood can be such a traumatic time for a lot of people.

When we die if we do not let go of this life it is your psychic body that remains behind trapped here. These psychic bodies that remain on earth are what people call Ghosts; the term I have been taught is discarnate. Ideally when we die, we let go and our psychic body is integrated back into the mental and higher self.

All our illnesses, diseases, emotions, injuries, mental illnesses and negative events are directly linked to our psychic body and the karma and past lives within it. All of these things can be instantaneously healed, but finding the route cause of the illness, that past live, and releasing it / obtain a healing. In this way there are no incurable diseases. It is also here where we store the experiences of this life, positive or negative.

I have also mentioned sub-astrals previously and, made reference to them attaching themselves to you. It is to your psychic body that the sub-astrals attach themselves. I post at some point in the future more on sub-astrals; I think they warrant their own posting.

Again your psychic body is much more complex than outlined here. The purpose of this post, the previous post and like the next couple is to set the ground work for further discussion. I need to first outline what your spiritual self is, then I will get into how we can interact with it.

Love and Light,